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5 Body-Weight Workouts for at Home or on the Road


Updated: Jun 10, 2024

  1. 5 rounds for reps:

  • 1min mountain climbers

  • 1min air squats

  • 1min lunges

  • 1min bicycle crunches

  • 1min rest


2. For time:


Hollow rocks


Plank shoulder taps

Dips (you can use a chair, tabe, couch. get creative)


3. 10 rounds for time:

20 lunges

20 air squats

20 jumping lunges

10 jumping squats


4. For time:

150 air squats

*Every minute 3 burpees


5. For reps (20min workout)

20 secs work | 10 secs rest x 8

Superman lift-off

20 secs work | 10 secs rest x 8


20 secs work | 10 secs rest x 8

Mountain climbers

20 secs work | 10 secs rest x 8

Plank hold

20 secs work | 10 secs rest x 8




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